OnBoard Overview

OnBoard Overview

1.Accessing OnBoard #

To get to your OnBoard menu start by clicking on the OnBoard link from within the OnPoint dropdown menu.

OnBoard Administrator Account – Ability To Grant Access
If you are an administrator in charge of granting access to board members and do not see the OnBoard access point dropdown from within your own account, please make sure to revisit your access privilege’s under the hamburger menu and make sure that your account includes the following permissions:

1) District-wide access

2)  You will need access to all 4 of the Reports options: Student Aggregate Totals, Staff Aggregate Totals, Finance Reports and Assessment Reports. Once the user account has access to all of these, they should be able to see the OnBoard option in our software.


OnBoard Administrator Account – Granting Access
If you are an admin and want to grant access all you need to do is create the user account and only select the OnBoard Account from the radio button selector.

2.Dashboard Items #

Total Enrollment

The total enrollment displayed here represents a “snapshot” of the total count on the last Friday in October for the selected school year. Your district submits data each fall to the TEA (Texas Education Agency).

Your district has until early December to submit final fall snapshot numbers, a re-submission period extends into January of the school year in case adjustments are needed.

Daily Attendance

After the final day of the school year your district submits cumulative data to the Texas Education Agency for the school year, this is called the summer collection. The summer collection contains totals for the year in many data categories. Your district may load “pre-liminary” summer files into OnBoard so the data may be viewed here, during the current year. The data you see here is as-of the last data set loaded by your district into OnBoard. Your district has until September to submit a final data set to the TEA.

The “Daily Attendance” percentage displayed is the average for each day as of the latest data load.

Teacher Retention Rate

The Percent displayed is based on total number of teachers who were reported in the prior year and returned in the following year. The teachers counts are from a snapshot” of the total on the last Friday in October for the selected school year. Your district submits data each fall to the TEA (Texas Education Agency).

The report may also be run using FTE (Full Time Equivalency) counts. Example, if a school has 30 total staff, 20 full time and 10 half time then the FTE count would equal 25.

Accountability Rating

The accountability rating is pulled directly from TEA.



Average Discipline is the per cent of students who have received one or more discipline referral.

Total number of students who were referred to the office on one or more occasions divided by the total number of students served for the year.

Graduation Rate

Graduation Rate = Total number students in graduating class (Co-hort) / Total numbers of student in class graduating.

# Students = Total number students in graduating class (Co-hort)
# Graduated = Total numbers of student in class graduating.

Student graduation information is submitted in the school year following the students graduation. For example a typical school year may run from August to May, graduation data would be submitted in the Fall collection, the snapshot collection.

Cumulative Enrollment

Cumulative enrollment is the total number of students who were enrolled at least one day or more in your district. Some students enroll and withdraw during the school year for various reasons. If the student was enrolled at least one day or more they will be included in this count. Cumulative enrollment is often also referred to total students served by your district.

After the final day of the school year your district submits cumulative data to the Texas Education Agency for the school year, this is called the summer collection. The summer collection contains totals for the year in many data categories. Your district may load “pre-liminary” summer files into OnBoard so the data may be viewed here, during the current year. The current year data you see here is as-of the last data set loaded by your district into OnBoard. Your district has until September to submit a final data set to the TEA.

Ethnic Distribution Graph

The ethnic distribution displayed here represents a “snapshot” of the per centage of students identifying by each ethnicity. The Per centage reflects counts on the last Friday in October for the selected school year. Your district submits data each fall to the TEA (Texas Education Agency).

Your district has until early December to submit final fall snapshot numbers, a re-submission period extends into January of the school year in case adjustments are needed.

Student Special Populations

The student special population displayed here represents a “snapshot” of the student counts in each special population. The counts reflect the total as of the last Friday in October for the selected school year and the prior year. Your district submits the data each fall to the TEA (Texas Education Agency).

Your district has until early December to submit final fall snapshot numbers, a re-submission period extends into January of the school year in case adjustments are needed.

Economic Disadvantage

The economic disadvantage per cent displayed here represents a “snapshot” of the student counts and percentages for each economic disadvantaged category. The counts reflect the total as of the last Friday in October for the selected school year. Your district submits the data each fall to the TEA (Texas Education Agency).

Your district has until early December to submit final fall snapshot numbers, a re-submission period extends into January of the school year in case adjustments are needed.

District Map

The map displays the location of each campus in your district. The source of the data is the Texas Education Agency AskTED application. You district maintains the data by logging to the Ask Ted portal and keeping the data updated as needed. The addres class=”indent”s information supplied is then utilized by google services to display the map. When clicking on an individual campus you may or may not see an image of the campus, some images are not available from google. In some cases a default image may be used.






2.1.OnBoard Settings #

To modify the dashboard elements shown you can access the OnBoard settings in the top right hand corner of OnBoard. This will allow you to toggle on or off individual widgets. 


2.2.View Only Access #

All widgets will only display non identifiable ‘overview’ data 


When available, widgets will allow board members to drill down into the underlying supporting data but will not allow them to drill down to student level data.

Supporting widget reports that have been clicked on can be filtered by year using the drop down filters provided in the top corner of the report


3.OnBoard HB3 Dashboard #

HB3 goals can be reported in the OnBoard dashboard if they have been set by an OnDataSuite system administrator from within the OnPoint system.  After these goals have been set, the items explained in this section will be available to your board members to view.


The All Students Board Goal for the three required areas of 3rd grade Reading, 3rd grade Mathematics and College, Career, Military and Readiness (CCMR) are displayed for progress monitoring under the respective Board View area.

Each of the three views contains the following information:

First year (*2019) baseline data established by the TEA 2019 Accountability Manual A-F Closing the Gaps Targets, page 45. *Note: If the Baseline year 2019 does not have the asterick, the baseline target was overridden by the LEA in the Board Goal Setting process.

5 year (future state) goals – set by local education agency (LEA).

ODS Prelim A-F: OnDataSuite Preliminary A-F data as determined from individual data files uploaded into OnDataSuite

On Track Meet: Y (yes) if Texas Accountability Performance Report (TAPR) result is equal to or greater than current year goal. N (no) if TAPR result is less than current year goal.

On Track Exceed: Y (yes) if TAPR result is greater than next year goal. N (no) if TAPR result is equal to or less than next year goal.


Toggle Summary View

Select the Toggle Summary button and scroll down the page for a full report of the goals set for all students and the specified student groups:

  • Race/Ethnicity;
  • Economic Disadvantaged;
  • English Language – EL (Current and Monitored);
  • Special Education – Special Ed (Current) and Special Ed (Former);
  • Continuously Enrolled – Cont Enrolled;
  • Non-Continuously Enrolled – Non-Cont Enrolled.

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