Compare Preliminary 2018 TEA Accountability Manual to Final Released 07/20/2018

Hello fellow Accountability and Assessment partners.

For anyone interested in tracking the changes between the preliminary released 2018 TEA Accountability Manual and the 07/20/2018 Released Final Accountability manual, the image below provides an easy side by side comparison of the two manuals. You will see the preliminary manual on the left hand side and the final on the right.

As you scroll down the page, the right (final file) side will highlight in green areas that show changes. You may see some areas highlighted when the page stops syncing but you can always look to the left (prelim file) side to confirm if a change was made.  You will want to click on the double arrows in the box below to open the documents full screen.  

OnDataSuite will be making adjustments in our code to reflect the updates in our current A-F accountability reporting system. You can also view the TEA released Summary of Changes in the Final Chapters 1–9 of the 2018 Accountability Manual by clicking this link:  Summary of Changes 2018 Manual