Accountability 2018 Data Validation Report Notes

1.DVM_Summary_Discipline #

The Discipline ALL DVM Summary report provides a ‘roll up’ view of all the individual Discipline Data Analysis reports on one page by individual indicator.

This report will show the overall aggregate district totals for numerator, denominator and percent and then below the district values it will dissagregate the indicator values by campus.


2.DVM_Summary_Leaver #

The Leaver ALL DVM Summary report provides a ‘roll up’ view of all the individual Leaver Data Analysis reports on one page by individual indicator.

This report will show the overall aggregate district totals for numerator, denominator and percent and then below the district values it will dissagregate the indicator values by campus.

3.DVM_Summary_Assessment #

The Student Assessment ALL DVM summary report provides a ‘roll up’ view of all the individual Student Assessment reports on one page by individual indicator.

This report will show the overall aggregate district totals for numerator, denominator and percent and then below the district values it will dissagregate the indicator values by campus.

4.Discipline Data Analysis 2018 #

4.1.DDV Indicator 1 #

4.2.DDV Indicator 2 #

4.3.DDV Indicator 3 #

4.4.DDV Indicator 4 #

4.5.DDV Indicator 5 #

4.6.DDV Indicator 6 #

4.7.DDV Indicator 7 #

5.Leaver Data Analysis 2018 #

5.1.DDLR Indicator 1 #

5.2.DDLR Indicator 2 #

5.3.DDLR Indicator 3 #

5.4.DDLR Indicator 4 #

5.5.DDLR Indicator 5 #

5.6.DDLR Indicator 6 #

5.7.DDLR Indicator 7 #

5.8.DDLR Indicator 8 #

6.Student Assessment 2018 #

6.1.DDSA Indicator 1 #

6.2.DDSA Indicator 2 #

6.3.DDSA Indicator 3 #

6.4.DDSA Indicator 4 #

6.5.DDSA Indicator 5 #

6.6.DDSA Indicator 6 #

6.7.DDSA Indicator 7 #

6.8.DDSA Indicator 8 #

6.9.DDSA Indicator 9 #

6.10.DDSA Indicator 10 #

6.11.DDSA Indicator 11 #

6.12.DDSA Indicator 12 #

6.13.DDSA Indicator 13 #

6.14.DDSA Indicator 14 #

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